Blueprint for Canada is a major public policy experiment designed to give Canadians a voice. If you support the majority of positions taken on this platform please share our website with your social network both online and in real life. Most importantly, please consider emailing this website's address ( to your elected representative and ask them to make the "Blueprint for Canada" K-12 education platform policies the standard for public education in your province or territory. Find your local Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP), Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), or Member of the National Assembly (MNA) (Quebec) here. Add your voice today to those of tens of thousands of other parents, grandparents, legal guardians, and concerned citizens all across the country standing up for Canada.
As school board trustees we will
advocate for the following:
- We will defend the rights of all teachers, staff, and students protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which include:
- Freedom of conscience and religion.
- Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.
- Freedom of peaceful assembly.
- Freedom of association.
- We will end the abhorrent practice of segregated clubs, training sessions, school dances, graduation ceremonies, or parent meetings based on participant race or ethnicity.
- As school board trustees we believe that the physical safety of students and staff in school is of paramount importance. For this reason, we will support School Resource Officer (SRO) programs and policies that will not deter school staff from calling the police as needed to deal with extreme behavioral issues in the classroom.
- We will not reject the notion that any failure to affirm student's self-declared identities "causes harm". On the contrary, it may well be in their best long-term interest.
- We will advocate that “safe spaces” be re-defined following the ideas of the Moral Courage College as places where students should be free from immediate judgment… not from challenging viewpoints.
Irshad Manji, founder of the Moral Courage College working with highschool students shares her thoughts on "safe spaces".
Former US President Obama talks about the dangers of "Safe Spaces".