Resources covering: "Gender Ideology", "Gender Affirmative Care", and "Women's Sex Based Rights".          

Note: If you are looking for parental rights groups in public education we have those listed here.      

Blueprint for Canada is a major public policy experiment designed to give Canadians a voice. If you support the majority of positions taken on this platform please share our website with your social network both online and in real life. Most importantly, please consider emailing this website's address ( to your elected representative and ask them to make the "Blueprint for Canada" K-12 education platform policies the standard for public education in your province or territory. Find your local Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP), Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), or Member of the National Assembly (MNA) (Quebec) here. Add your voice today to those of tens of thousands of other parents, grandparents, legal guardians, and concerned citizens all across the country standing up for Canada.

Affirmation Generation: Full documentary available here.

Guidance for Parents

Our Duty Canada has submitted our recommendations to the 44th session United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) regarding Canada’s failure to protect children from the harms of gender affirming care under the United Nations Charter of Rights of Children. Those interested are invited to read the submission on our website available at this link.

Recommended YouTube Channels

Our Duty Canada
The Resilience Podcast

It's difficult to come out publicly as a parent with a child experiencing a sudden desire to transition. Even if you don't mind the inevitable public scrutiny, you still must contend with airing your family's dirty laundry in public. It's understandable why so many chose to stay silent. Many of you might have a similar story of teenage transition. You are not alone.

 Learn more about Our Duty Canada and the support it can offer parents:

Channel Link
Weekly Canadian Gender Wars Report
Weekly Canadian Gender Wars Report (WCGWR)

Shannon Boschy and Melanie Bennet convene each week to break down the highs, lows and absurdities of the Gender Wars in Canada. We are both parents of kids affected by gender ideology and WCGWR is a collaboration between Woke Watch Canada Newsletter & Our Duty Canada to bring you the latest news from the front of the Canadian Gender Wars.

Channel Link

Recommended Websites: Advocacy and Support Organizations

Do you know of additional relevant resources anywhere in Canada?  Contact Us   

Emerging as a leading organisation that offers an alternative to WPATH , Genspect offers a range of education, resources and support for anyone who has been impacted by gender dysphoria.  USA based.

Website Link
Our Duty Canada
Our Duty Canada

Our Duty is an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology.  We put you in touch with other parents who want to protect their children from harm.

Website Link
Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine
Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine

Our aim is to promote safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria.

Website Link
Women's Declaration International
Women's Declaration International

This Declaration reaffirms the sex-based rights of women which are set out in the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 18 December 1979

Website Link
Transgender Trend
Transgender Trend

We are an organisation of parents, professionals and academics based in the UK who are concerned about the current trend to diagnose children as transgender, including the unprecedented number of teenage girls suddenly self-identifying as "trans".

Website Link
Women's Liberation Front
Women's Liberation Front

WoLF’s mission is to restore, protect, and advance the rights of women and girls through legal argument, policy advocacy, and public education in the USA.

Website Link
Sex Matters
Sex Matters

Sex Matters is a UK-based not-for-profit organisation. We campaign, advocate and produce resources to promote clarity about sex in public policy, law and culture. We have a singular mission: to re-establish that sex matters in rules, laws, policies, language and culture.

Website Link
Miriam Grossman MD
Miriam Grossman

Dr. Grossman has exposed the dangers and falsehoods of the sexuality and gender industry since 2006.  USA based.

Website Link
Gender Dysphoria Alliance
Gender Dysphoria Alliance

International: Gender Dysphoria Alliance (GDA) was formed in 2021 as a small group of community members who are concerned about the direction that gender medicine and activism has taken. We've created this platform to give others who share our concerns a place to learn, network, teach, and tell their own stories.

Website Link
Canadian Gender Report
Canadian Gender Report

We’re a group of parents and professionals concerned about the medical transition of children, the introduction of gender identity teaching in our schools, and the changing legal landscape that replaces biological sex with the subjective notion of gender self-identity.

Website Link
LGB Alliance
LGB Alliance

LGB people in Canada are facing a new homophobia because we maintain that biological sex is the basis of our attraction. Organizations that claim to represent us (e.g., advocacy, HR, diversity and inclusion initiatives) now insist that gender identity is more important than biological sex.  We reject there assertions. 

Website Link
Fair Play for Women
Fair Play For Women

Fair Play For Women is a campaigning and consultancy group which raises awareness, provides evidence and analysis, and works to protect the rights of women and girls in the UK.

Website Link
Gender Dissent
Gender Dissent

Exposing the money and influence behind the gender industry in Canada

Website Link
Gender Dysphoria Support Network
Gender Dysphoria Support Network

The Gender Dysphoria Support Network (GDSN) is an international group that aims to offer psychoeducation and support to families of individuals affected by gender dysphoria.

Website Link
Gender Exploratory Therapy Association
Gender Exploratory Therapy Association

We believe that individuals who are exploring gender identity or struggling with their biological sex should have access to therapists who will provide thoughtful care and tend to legitimate mental health concerns, without pushing an ideological or political agenda.  USA based.

Website Link
Partners for Ethical Care
Partners for Ethical Care

Our mission is to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation. We believe that no child is born in the wrong body.  USA based.

Website Link
Feminist Current
Feminist Current

Feminist Current is Canada’s leading feminist website. We provide a unique perspective on gender, women’s rights, violence against women, pop culture, politics, current events, sexuality, and many other issues that are often underrepresented or misrepresented by mainstream, progressive, and feminist media sources.

Website Link
Women Matter Canada
Women Matter Canada

WMC's goal is to inform the public and politicians on how women have been negatively affected by the passage of Bill C-16 and corresponding policies. For the next Federal election, WMC will ask politicians to recognize the sex-based reality of women and to reflect this reality in the definition and in law.

Website Link
Post Trans
Post Trans

Post Trans is a collection of detrans stories from female detransitioners and desisters.

Website Link
Gender Health Query
Gender Health Query

To prevent the over-medicalization of gender nonconforming youth. To prevent harm resulting from medical treatments on trans-identified minors. And to address confusion and rights conflicts that arise from new ideologies about gender (within and outside of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans populations).  USA based.

Website Link
Parents of ROGD kids.
Parents of ROGD kids

We are skeptical of the current Standard of Care, the "Affirmative Approach," which only seems to confirm and solidify our children's misguided, externally-influenced sense of self. And we are horrified at the growing number of young people whose bodies have been disfigured, their physical and mental health destroyed by transitioning, only to discover—too late—that it did little to relieve their dysphoria.

Website Link
Bayswater Support Group
Bayswater Support Group

We are here to support one another – to help parents feel less isolated; to provide the tools to advocate for their child in school and within health services and to help parents to hear and understand their child’s distress.  UK based.

Website Link
Detrans Voices
Detrans Voices

Detrans Voices is led by two desisted women and one detransitioned woman. As a community, we saw a need for a website that could offer support and information to men and women wishing to detransition or desist.

Website Link
Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)
Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)    

PITT is a space for parents that have been impacted by gender ideology to share their uncensored stories, experiences, and thoughts, while remaining anonymous to protect themselves and their families. Our objective is to inform the public about the devastating impact of gender ideology on our families through our personal experiences.

Website Link
Independent Council on Women's Sports

Elevating and empowering female athletes. Protecting safety, fairness and opportunity for girls and women.  USA based. 

Website Link
Champion Women
Champion Women

Advocacy for Girls & Women in Sports Champion Women is a non-profit organization that provides legal advocacy for girls and women in sports. USA based.

Website Link
Stats for Gender
Stats for Gender 

Gender at your fingertips. The sources we use are selected for their reliability. We mostly use peer-reviewed papers; however, we occasionally refer to government-commissioned studies, authoritative bodies’ submissions to governmental commissions, published books, or doctoral theses. In a few cases, we provide references for the purpose of debunking unreliable data.

Website Link
Women's Rights Network
Women's Rights Network

We are a feminist group. We are a network of women from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland with one main focus: to defend the sex-based rights of women.

Canadian chapter on Twitter 

Website Link

Reduxx was launched in January of 2022 with the intention of creating a truly pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding platform that could provide high-quality news and opinion on the stories the mainstream media ignores.

Website Link
Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics
Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics 

ReIME is a non-profit education and research organization dedicated to improving ethical long term care and treatment for gender non-conforming children and youth.

Website Link
Scream Louder
Scream Louder

Transman Scott Newgent underwent "gender affirming care".  He now warns everyone about the impact of these practices.  

Website Link
Paradox Institute
Paradox Institute

We teach others about the biological and psychological differences between males and females and why they are important in illustrated animated videos, articles, and podcasts.

Website Link
Puberty Blockers Suck
Puberty Blockers Suck

A website dedicated to exposing the affects of puberty blocker in young people.

Website Link
The 11th Hour
The 11th Hour

"I write at the intersection of humanity, technology and runaway capitalism. At this intersection stands transgenderism, what I believe is a glamorous ad campaign generated by elites, invested in tech and pharma, to normalize the changing of human biology."

Website Link
Stop Female Erasure
Stop Female Erasure

"Yang exposes the intersections of corporate-government-non-profit collusion driving the “transgender rights movement”; a smoke screen for a massive social engineering and propaganda war being used to facilitate female erasure in language and in law on a world-wide scale."

Website Link
The Transition Justice Project
The Transition Justice Project

"We connect detransitioners and others negatively affected by gender medicine with legal assistance. If you have been harmed by transition-related interventions, please contact us today. We can set up a consultation to learn more about you and how we may be able to help."

Website Link
Amy Hamm
Real world concequences:  Why biological reality matters in nursing.     

Nurse tells B.C. hearing she's not transphobic, but calls gender identity 'metaphysical nonsense'

Website Link

Recommended books on the impact of "Gender Ideology" and "Gender Affirmation" policies.

  • The End of Gender
    The End of Gender 

    Author: Dr. Debra Soh

    In The End of Gender, Debra Soh takes seemingly forbidding subjects such as neuroscience and genetics and makes them relatable and relevant. Questioning the credo that there are no differences between male and female brains, Soh examines the changing perceptions of masculinity and femininity in today’s world, and their implications for the younger generation.

  • Trans

    Author: Helen Joyce

    From the history of transition and transgenderism to the consequences of gender ideology in modern society, Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality gives a detailed analysis of what gender has come to mean, and what that means for the rest of us. This Sunday Times bestseller should be on everyone’s reading list.

  • Irreversible Damage
    Irreversible Damage

    Author: Abigail Shrier

    With Irreversible Damage, American journalist Abigail Shrier did more than anyone else to alert the public to the soaring numbers of distressed teen girls questioning their gender.

    Named a book of the year by The Economist and one of the best books of 2021 by The Times and The Sunday Times

  • Lost in TransNation
    Lost in TransNation

    Author: Miriam Grossman MD

    Lost in TransNation arms parents with the ammunition to avoid, or, if necessary, fight what many families describe as the most difficult challenge of their lives. Parents will learn what to say and how—at home, at school, and if necessary, to police when they appear at the door.

  • The Abolition of Sex
    The Abolition of Sex

    Author: Kara Dansky

    This book shines a light on the truth about “gender identity,” the “transgender” agenda, the very real threats that they pose to all of society—specifically to the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls—and what the global Women’s Human Rights Campaign is doing to fight back.

  • Material Girls
    Material Girls

    Author: Kathleen Stock

    In Material Girls, Kathleen Stock turns her philosopher’s critical eye to matters of sex and gender. A work which balances blistering analysis with a deep compassion for women and girls, Stock’s tour de force will doubtless serve as a point of reference for many years, as society comes to terms with the new landscape of gender identity.

  • Gender Dysphoria
    Gender Dysphoria 

    Author: Susan Evans & Marcus Evans

    Drawing on a psychoanalytic framework, Gender Dysphoria lays the groundwork for a comprehensive clinical approach to gender-questioning adolescents.

  • Inventing Transgender Children and Young People
    Inventing Transgender Children and Young People 

    Author: Michele Moore & Heather Brunskell-Evans

     ... an excoriating analysis of how the concept of the ‘trans kid’ has been created in our society – and the many potential negative consequences of this entirely new concept.

  • Tomboy

    Author: Lisa Selin Davis

     ... in Tomboy, journalist and author Lisa Selin Davis reveals some unexpected facts about girls who buck the trend – and offers us her own predications on where they, and we, might be going next.

  • Unsporting

    Author: Linda Blade and Barbara Kay 

    In the new book, Unsporting: How Trans Activism and Science Denial are Destroying Sport, former Canadian track champion Linda Blade and renowned National Post columnist Barbara Kay, examine the dangers of gender ideology in sports. They document the attack on biological facts upon which the level playing field of sports rests.

  • Time to Think
    Time to Think

    Author: Barnes Hannah

    22 publishers refused to touch this book -- of the 12 who responded many cited the need to get it past 'junior staff'. Luckily for the public, the 23rd publisher, Swift Press recognized the importance of showing the medical scandal which has been hiding in plain sight.

  • Johnny the Walrus
    Johnny the Walrus 

    Author: Matt Walsh

    Johnny is a little boy with a big imagination. One day he pretends to be a big scary dinosaur, the next day he's a knight in shining armor or a playful puppy. But when the internet people find out Johnny likes to make-believe, he's forced to make a decision between the little boy he is and the things he pretends to be -- and he's not allowed to change his mind.

Recommended Twitter accounts on the impact of "Gender Ideology" and "Gender Affirmation" policies.